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Modern Australian Work and Family Life
Many Australian institutions have undergone significant changes, work and family, in particular, have been forced to alter dramatically to cope with the demands of modernity. The aim of this essay is twofold; how are the roles of men and women adapting to changes in work and family life in Australia? And are we moving towards more gender equality in the balance between work and family, or something else? The major changes examined here are attitudes to work and family, the creation of new occupational categories and how this facilitated greater female participation in the workforce. Increased female participation and how this has changed the very nature of the family.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
What is the Future for our World
What is the Future for our World: Would the World Run out of Resources or not?
There are two points of view on this problem - pessimistical and optimistical,and both are right in something. The pessimistical point of view is deduced in that in a very short time the world will run out of resources at last; because people use them so ruthless, blinded with their greed; I am sure that we could use less resources and still live a good life. The great awful crisis is not far away now, and I have no idea of what should we do to avoid it. We’re able just to hold out the time; nowadays many people are trying to inbetter the ecology and save nature… I don’t know if they succeed.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Is Racism Wrong?
In Western countries the businesses, the media and the education system go to great lengths to remove ‘racism’ from their infrastructure, and all traces of material that might be construed as racist from their brochures, presentations and classes. It seems that to be tarred with the word constitutes such an ugly branding that people’s main motivation for avoiding it has become fear of condemnation, rather than an active quest for moral justice. Perhaps it would be prudent to discard the stigma for a moment and ask the rather controversial question, ‘Is racism really wrong?’ That is to say, is it racism itself that we should be fighting against? Have we actually forgotten what we are fighting?
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
New Media
Defining the new media and their role in American politics is an important, albeit somewhat challenging, task. In this book, we argue that the new media are quantitatively and qualitatively different from the mainstream press. They do not simply represent a variation of the established news media.
The new media have significant potential to educate, facilitate public discourse, and enhance citizen participation. They provide mass audiences with a seemingly boundless array of sources that transcend the time and space constraints of traditional media. In addition, new media technologies easily bypass national and international boundaries, bringing American citizens into contact with diverse cultures and distant happenings to an extent previously unimaginable.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Culture Values
At the beginning we must have an imagination about what is culture. From Latin this word means: cultivation, education, formation, homage, and upbringing. This spread range of meanings, shows us that culture is the one of the most important factors for developing strong and wise social consciousness. Spiritual and material values are integral part of culture. “For where your treasure [value] is, there your heart will be also” – is written in Bible (Mt. 6:21). Human’s motivation often is egoistic profit and gaining of it takes all life.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Principles of Dimensional Modeling
Dimensional modeling is the name of a logical design technique often used for data warehouses. DM is the only viable technique for databases that are designed to support end-user queries in a data warehouse. It is different from, and contrasts with, entity-relation modeling. ER is very useful for the transaction capture and the data administration phases of constructing a data warehouse, but it should be avoided for end-user delivery. This paper explains the dimensional modeling and how dimensional modeling technique varies/ contrasts with ER models.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Academic Papers
The paper, particularly term paper, is very close in the meaning to the essay but still there are some differences. While essay can also mean free-writing or personal expression of something, papers are certainly connected to the educational process. Usually when teachers assign to write a paper, you will most probably have the list of questions that you will need to answer or have specific assignment to accomplish. The idea is that you will know what you need to write about and in what form. On the contrary, essay is a broader term.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Athanasius, On the Incarnation of the Word
Athanasius utters his theological views about the incarnation of Word of God as Christ Jesus. He is addressing Jews, gentiles and the whole world, in this talk. Athanasius develops his talk from what John says in the ‘Gospel according to John’ that “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.” (John 1:1-3). Word of God is completely divine and it is the Word of God that made the whole universe evolve.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Old Testament
The year of the fall of Samaria was approaching. Hoshea, son of Elah, was ruling over Israel. As most of the kings before him, Hoshea “did evil in the eyes of the Lord”. Therefore, God put curses on Samaria with the invasion of Assyria. All Israelites had to leave their land and move to Assyria. The king of Assyria took the complete power over the land of Israelites and “brought people from Babylon, Cuthah, Avva, Hamath and Sepharvaim and settled them in the towns of Samaria to replace the Israelites” (2 Kings 17:24).
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Slavery, Reparation and Restorative Justice
1. Background
Barely two hundred years ago, slavery was common and accepted in the countries of Europe as well as in North America. The hunting ground was, in an overwhelming majority of cases, the African continent. White slave traders, sometimes helped by local Africans, plundered the land for men and women, who were taken away in captivity to work on among other places, plantations, farms and town building projects for white masters in North America, the Caribbean islands and other European colonies.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Fast Foods
Fast Foods: Are They Safe and Nutritious?
They are mushrooming everywhere: in the makeshift trolleys outside the high rise buildings at Nariman Point in Mumbai, at the concentric circles that is Connaught Place in Delhi, or even at the stalls coupling the schools and colleges, the supermarkets and cinema houses in Chennai; these fast food joints to have come to rule as our favourite places to eat.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Work and Motivation
Considering today’s scenario of a fast paced lifestyle, skyrocketing expenses and the constant struggle for a decent survival, money seems to be the only answer and the only driving force. The sole aim of education is to provide a sense of independence to an individual, but independence in the present context is not limited to making one’s own decisions or solving mortal problems- it largely relates to the monetary capacity of a person and the ability to sustain himself and his family with regard to materialistic comforts and needs.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Have you ever questioned yourself whether you are happy of not? What does it mean to you? Happiness is a state of inside being of each person and comes from different sources depending on the desires and kind of personality. The scientists all over the world have done good deal of research, philosophers and writers have written thousands of books on this topic in order to describe this state. But the topic is still open to questions and discussions. This fact means that happiness is important and integral part of out life.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Money at Work: Some Random Thoughts
Is money an effective motivator at work? It is said that for a living food , shelter and clothes are needed. This is very true and for getting all this , money is need. At this point of time , money is required as much as oxygen for survival. Money is a great motivator at work. Disregarding the fact that money changes a person’s character , money has become a part of our life. With money mostly all the things can be bought for enjoying life. At work , the money can be good motivator. We should not forget the reality that we all work for getting more and more money. Money can help an employee do the best out of him. For praising an employee , bonus can be given by the employer as a reward.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Barrack Obama
Can Barrack Obama be the next President of the USA?
Barrack Obama is a Junior United States Senator from Illinois, and a running candidate for the Democratic Party’s nomination for the 2008 Presidential elections against Hilary Clinton, ex-First wife of Ex-President Bill Clinton. Obama already broke boundaries as the fifth and current African-American serving in the US Senate. He graduated from Columbia University and Harvard Law School.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Essay about College
You have to write an essay about college. How will you proceed? It is not difficult to gather your ideas on this subject. You should know about the college for which you are writing the essay. You have to write what you know about the college.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
The Lend-Lease scheme was certainly a political act of unexampled generosity. Churchill’s description to Parliament of the plan as a “most unsordid act” recognized the rarity in human affairs of such far-seeing and imaginative action. R.S.Sayers (1956) in one of the British official histories of the Second World War described it as “a story, above all else, of unprecedented generosity on the part of the American nation” (p.375). Of course, in political decisions altruism is unlikely to be the sole motive, and no secret was ever made of the vital importance to the United States of the survival of Britain, and indeed of the fighting capacity of the Soviet Union.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Research Paper on Abortion
Abortion is knows as a disgusting but a very common term in the lives of people and youth. Many students of colleges and universities also make use of this term in their educational and communal perspectives. All know about this universally acknowledged term and its influence over different societies. Students are puzzled in poles apart accreditation related with this word in different societies around the world. They face similar obstacle on their way when they need to write a research paper on abortion. Research paper on abortion is often a demand by their professors in college and university.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Research Paper on Child Abuse
Child abuse is a basic issue which needs to be discussed in great depth with right dimension. Child abuse can not be distinguished on the basis of age, sex, race or religion. Any children for any reason can be victimized at any time. Today parents and children are facing this problem. The fear is some one intentionally or unintentionally is hurting the child by some or other way. This person can be any one among the whole lot of social groups. He/she may be from the family, friends, neighbors, teacher or any one else.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay
Research Paper on Diabetes
Research paper on diabetes states that this is a dangerous disease that causes health complications and even death to a lot of people every year.
I have read in different Research paper on diabetes that when our body produces the abnormal quantity of glucose we have diabetic. Insulin is required when there is high level glucose in our body. In another Research paper on diabetes I read that insulin brings the glucose level back to the normal.
Categoty: Descriptive Essay