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Secrets of Successful Oral Book Reports
Secrets of Successful Oral Book Reports
Secrets of Successful Oral Book Reports
Probably, you have experience in writing book reports. You know how to analyze a work of literature and how to present it on paper. However, an oral book report is a bit different, and its main peculiarity is a public presentation that you have to give.

Public performance is a weak point of many students. This is why we want to share several secrets that will help you get ready and present a perfect oral book report.

Oral book reports: secret #1

Keep in mind one main thing about oral book reports – you are not supposed just to read an essay aloud. You will have to talk and find contact with your audience.

Oral book reports: secret #2

Read the book that you are going to present attentively. Maybe, you will have to read some passages several times. It is the only way not to look foolish and sound hesitant during the oral book report.

Oral book reports: secret #3

Oral book reports just like written reports should be arranged according to a certain structure. If you are not too ambitious and a C on your oral book report is enough for you, stick to the following structure:
- Give the title of a book, its author’s name, and the year it was published in;
- Define the genre of the book;
- Describe the main characters and their traits;
- Say a few words about the setting;
- Retell the plot briefly;
- Make conclusions.

Oral book reports: secret #4

We are sure that a C is not the grade you want to get on your oral book report. If you want to get an A+, you have to think of some creative ways of giving your oral presentation. Here are a couple of ideas for you:
- Dress up as the main character of the book and tell what happened to you.
- Dress up as a secondary character of the book. Tell what you have seen happening to the main characters.
This post originally appeared on http://overnightessay.com/blog/page/98/