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Public Relations Essays – Two Plans for Writing
Public Relations Essays – Two Plans for Writing

Public relations are a very popular concept these days. Are you sure you have a clear idea of what PR is? Can you give at least an approximate definition of PR?

Why do we say “approximate”? The thing is that public relations are defined in many ways. One of the definitions is “all public relations should exist to preserve a consistent reputation and build relationships”.

However, this particular definition is quite general.

So, if you do not completely understand what PR is about, writing a public relations essay is not going to be easy. You can use the following plan to create an informative public relations paper.

1. Give one of the definitions in your public relations essay.
2. Discuss the significance of public relations for the success of a company.
3. Describe the main functions of PR in your public relations essay (organizational, societal, marketing communication, etc.).

This plan will perfectly suit you if you do not know much about PR and do not have enough time to surf the Web and analyze sources.

However, we also have a good plan for writing papers on public relations for those who are really into PR and want to learn more about its peculiarities. So, you can do the following when writing your public relations essay:

* Discuss the definition of public relations given by the Public Relations Society of America (PRSA);
* Discuss the definition given by the Institute of Public Relations;
* Provide your own definition of PR in the public relations essay.
This post originally appeared on http://essayblog.org/essay/essay-writers